Mary Worth, 8/4/08:

Like I would imagine most readers did, I read this and assumed it was just some blatant in-strip advertisement for a website. I'm actually pretty ok with product placements when handled decently, ala 30 Rock's advertisements for Snapple and all things GE, so this by itself did nothing to offend me. Taking three days of a strip to offer some awkward, jangled train of thought about purchasing a DVD from a store is not doing this well, however, so I thought I'd mock it.
In fact, I had this whole little strip written in my head about mocking it for product placement for, as it's so awkward and obvious. Then, though, I decided to check it out myself to get some material...only to find it's not real.
I'm not sure if this makes things better or worse. I side with worse -- there's little excuse for writing as bad as Toby's inner monologue over Ian's gift, but I could mockably excuse it for product placement. For just straight writing? That's abominable. Just...just horrid.
For shame, Mary Worth...couldn't you have gotten a couple bucks and done Amazon? Even without the money, at least things would've made sense. For shame.