Gasoline Alley, 7/25/08:
It's pretty impressive for a comic to, non-self-referentially, just do an entire strip in darkness. It's impressive in the same sort of way a Hummer's fuel-efficiency is, though. My favorite part is how the strip makes no use of the utter darkness except to reference that it is, in fact, dark, and to stretch a two-panel comic (yelling, crashing) into a three-panel comic (yelling, crashing, explanation of the crashing).
The real tragedy is essentially the only thing I actually enjoy about Gasoline Alley is the pleasantly old-fashioned cartoon style of art. Thanks for making my reading of you even more unpleasant than usual, Gasoline Alley.
And now, the good, which is good because of just how awful/awesome it is:
One Big Happy, 7/25/08:
The comics proved me wrong! Cancer is hilarious!
I've stated before I like One Big Happy. Well, I really liked today's. I think dealing with symbols we've come to associate with tragedy (here the bald head indicating chemo, but elsewhere things like wheelchairs or whatnot) from a child's perspective is refreshing and often hilarious, but not in a mean way. That bordering of humor and tragedy can bring out the best of both, in my experience, and this strip made me laugh more than a newspaper comic has in a very long time. Plus, come on, just look how excited she is in that last panel. That alone is hilarious.
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