Man, that title sounds like a good name for a blog or overly-honest indie album.
Mother Goose and Grimm, 7/22/08:

See, there's two jokes here. One is that, instead of treating him like a doormat, she's treating him like a rug, a joke that large numbers of not-children will get. The secondary joke is that Grimmy feels awkward talking about domestic violence. I don't know why -- there's nothing funnier than domestic violence, right?
Momma's here to prove me wrong:
Momma, 7/22/08:

My god, is there any interpretation of this that isn't directly Oedipal? I mean, yes, I admit, there is, in plenty of perfectly normal mother-married son relationships a jealous factor, sure. And, yes, a basic aspect of comedy is to take something real and exaggerate it in order to make it funny, absolutely. There's plenty of great comedy based on that. However, Mr. Mell Lazarus has exaggerated the wrong aspect of that relationship, and instead of making it ridiculous and comical has made it odd and more than a bit disturbing. So, of course, nothing's funnier than open Oedipal jealousy from your mother, right? Here comes Hagar...
Hagar the Horrible, 7/22/08:

Now, this strip itself isn't that bad. But look at Lucky Eddie's eyes! Those aren't eyes that will see the next morning. Lucky Eddie is clearly dying and and the doc knows he's beyond help, offering him a pleasant adage instead, hoping for Eddie to spend his last day in blissful ignorance. So, in conclusion, the comics have shown us there's nothing funnier than death. Woo.
Edit: Dang it! I purposefully try to target comics I don't think Comics Curmudgeon will mock (mostly because I don't want to be shown as so danged bad compared to him directly), but he chose Hagar today. Well, now I feel derivative.
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