Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Speaking of Superhero Spin-Offs

One Big Happy 7/30/08
I am really hoping the figure glaring at Ruthie in the fourth panel of today's One Big Happy is not merely sullen-eight-year-old Joe, but zombie-sullen-eight-year-old Joe. The stoop, the empty stare, and Ruthie's extreme reaction all suggest some brain-eatin' is about to commence. This can only mean one thing: a beyond awesome spin-off comic, most likely called "Ruthie Lombard: 6-Year-Old Zombie Hunter." In this comic I can imagine Ruthie (and most likely the poor kid, James) taking various weapons to the hordes of walking dead while reciting adorable malapropisms. and selling homemade art.

Heck, anything to get rid of that creepy Avis lady.

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