Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Did I miss a series of memos?

Bit of info: The Phantom has met up w/a "crazed" vigilante on the vigilante's oil rig and is now off to fight crime with him or some such nonsense. That's the gist, I think.

The Phantom

Since when did the world give the go-ahead to the lamest aspects of society to start cracking-wise in regard to 9/11 and related acts of terrorism? I expect this from comedians, from comedies making racial jokes, sure sure, but The Phantom? Is Spider-Man going to be offered an emergency blood transfusion from a shady source and comment "Getting a blood transfusion from a less-than reliable source? I vote for not getting AIDS!"? Will Dick Tracy wish an underground abortion on a particularly heinous villain? How does the Phantom, one of the lamest even among these examples, get to do this?

Besides, everyone knows legacy strips can't reference things that aren't at least 10 years in the past -- he's got 3 more years before this is reasonable. And then only in the form of a tribute strip.

And as another aside -- where does the Phantom get off calling this guy crazy? This man with a stable operation and connections with local and international crime agencies, positioned in international waters in order to semi-legally uphold his vigilante lifestyle, is just impossibly crazier than the dude in the mask and purple tights who drags his wife along with him? I think the Phantom's just got oil rig envy.

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